


Draws a point, a coordinate in space at the dimension of one pixel. The first parameter is the horizontal value for the point, the second param is the vertical value for the point. The color of the point is changed with the stroke() function. The size of the point can be changed with the stroke_weight() function.


from proceso import Sketch

p5 = Sketch()
p5.describe("4 points create the corners of a square")

p5.point(30, 20)
p5.point(85, 20)
p5.point(85, 75)
p5.point(30, 75)
from proceso import Sketch

p5 = Sketch()
p5.describe("2 points and 2 large purple points in middle-right of canvas")

p5.point(30, 20)
p5.point(85, 20)
p5.stroke("purple") # Change the color
p5.stroke_weight(10) # Make the points 10 pixels in size
p5.point(85, 75)
p5.point(30, 75)


point(x, y, [z])


x: float x-coordinate.

y: float y-coordinate.

[z]: float z-coordinate (for WebGL mode).