Simple Shapes#

Adapted from

This example includes a circle, rectangle, triangle, and a flower.

from proceso import Sketch

p5 = Sketch()
p5.describe("A rectangle, circle, triangle, and flower drawn in pink on a gray background.")

# Create the canvas
p5.create_canvas(720, 400)

# Set colors
p5.fill(204, 101, 192, 127)
p5.stroke(127, 63, 120)

# A rectangle
p5.rect(40, 120, 120, 40)
# A circle, 240, 80)
# A triangle
p5.triangle(300, 100, 320, 100, 310, 80)

# A design for a simple flower
p5.translate(580, 200)
for _ in range(10):
    p5.ellipse(0, 30, 20, 80)
    p5.rotate(p5.PI / 5)

View sketch