


Draws a square to the screen. A square is a four-sided shape with every angle at ninety degrees, and equal side size. This function is a special case of the rect() function, where the width and height are the same, and the parameter is called “s” for side size. By default, the first two parameters set the location of the upper-left corner, the third sets the side size of the square. The way these parameters are interpreted, may be changed with the rect_mode() function.

The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh parameters, if specified, determine corner radius for the top-left, top-right, lower-right and lower-left corners, respectively. An omitted corner radius parameter is set to the value of the previously specified radius value in the parameter list.


from proceso import Sketch

p5 = Sketch()
p5.describe("White square with black outline in mid-right of canvas")

# Draw a square at location (30, 20) with a side size of 55.
p5.square(30, 20, 55)
from proceso import Sketch

p5 = Sketch()
    "White square with black outline and round edges in mid-right of canvas"

# Draw a square with rounded corners, each having a radius of 20.
p5.square(30, 20, 55, 20)
from proceso import Sketch

p5 = Sketch()
    "White square with black outline and round edges of different radii"

# Draw a square with rounded corners having the following radii:
# top-left = 20, top-right = 15, bottom-right = 10, bottom-left = 5.
p5.square(30, 20, 55, 20, 15, 10, 5)


square(x, y, s, [tl], [tr], [br], [bl])


x: float x-coordinate of the rectangle.

y: float y-coordinate of the rectangle.

s: float Side size of the rectangle.

[tl]: float Radius of top-left corner.

[tr]: float Radius of top-right corner.

[br]: float Radius of bottom-right corner.

[bl]: float Radius of bottom-left corner.